Introducing: an updated version of me.
Okay, I lied. It's the same me with more makeup on my face. I blame it on Nicki Minaj and the other trannies out there. But that does NOT mean that I. myself, wants to be a transexual. I love and respect my GIRS out there but that is not my niche. I'm just a guy who is a full tank of sugar and is exploding with glamour, fashion, and extravaganza. Since you have last seen me in this blog, I have become more confident and aware that I am not most homosexuals. I'm just a tang-bang full of fashion.
You know, those special homosexuals that most gays don't really get or wouldn't want to know about. Dating-wise, it's been bleek except for the old perverts who always tend to get on me. No sir, I am not one of those typical, tan, tight-bodied, timid Gaysians. But the men I have met in the past few months have been okay. They are confident enough to talk to someone who's a tank full of sugar. Although, I get bored with them easily. I guess it's my fault. I'm holding out on one particular asshole. God, why do the pretty girls tend to go for the assholes?
In other aspects in my life, I have been more aware about friendship too. I have been selective with people in my life. I have learned not to trust too easily and to determine who is an acquaintance and who is more of a friend. I am also glad that people have resurfaced back in my life and have brought new people with them. One particular is a special friend from New Jersey. No she is not a housewife. And I have two great girls I have known since I was a chubby straight boy. Yes, I was straight for a period in my life. And of course, work is work. Because you see these people almost 5 days a week, doesn't mean you can make genuine friendships with them. There is a handful that I would consider a friend through connective threads and interests.
What else can I talk about? Hmm..I still love my RiRi and my shoulderpads. I suppose my fashion aesthetic hasn't changed as much. My motto is still: "If it's tight, then girl, you got it right." I'm still rocking the black and leather and I have been this whole summer. I have been broke becasue of Balmain. I still need to invest in Alexander McQueen items! Oh and I guess I have changed my hair at least 8 times since you have seen me. Different cuts, different color, bowl cut, a-symmetrical, blonde, streaks, black streaks, red, etc. Is it time for a weave?? I'll let Rihanna determine that! LOL!!!!
I guess you can say: I'm at my happiest this entire year so far. LEt's hope I end this year even happier!
Oh and Emily...that is all.