Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Self Conscious Body Part Has Been Battled.

First of all, sorry for the delay in updating. I had to handle personal business that doesn't need to be blogged about.

Anyways...Everyone has a body part that they are self conscious of. As confident as I portray myself to be, I mask my least favorite body part to have a prettier illusion. That my friend is my forehead. As what Tyra Banks would say, "Five head". You can probably draw a map on my fivehead and when I was going through puberty, I had zits all over it looknig like you can connect the dots. My skin has cleared since then and yet I still felt disturbed by it. I just didn't want people to think that I has balding (which I'm not. I have a great head of hair that I take care of everyday). I did get hair cuts that mask my problem area and accentuated my face. and worked out for me. Basically, I got a-symmetrical bangs. HAHA!

Lately, I grew less conscious of it because people that I truly adroe has been rocking the fivehead. You know my divas: Tyra, Naomi, Beyonce, and especially my style icon, Rihanna. As of today, I stopped caring when I saw a recent picture of Alien Princess RiRi rocking a hairdo that is out of this world. Alien coiff as you may. I pretty much emulated the exact hairstyle and is sporting the five head at work. I already bumped into my co-worker who actually likes the look.

I can actually say it's a sigh of relief. I faced my personal fear.

If only Rihanna knew how much of an inspiration she has been when it comes to image and style. Well except for her nudie pics. I must say though...her ass looks amazing! WERQ IT OUT!

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