Tuesday, December 29, 2009
My Prince Charming better come soon because I lost my Gucci shoe and my other foot is freezing!
P.S. and those studded footwear! DIE!
I Got Me The Hornies,
Yummy Yummy Screw
Monday, December 21, 2009
One last note: I know I can be gaudy but I never try to put myself in any danger where I can be emotionally and physically harmed. To me, the worse thing I can do to myself is to make my family worried about me when I go out. Even at work, I never walk alone...day or night. If it so happens that I do, I have my Swarovski Crystal Chanel-logo pepper spray with me in handy. Boo Yah.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Greatest Thing About American Fashion Is We Believe In Young Sportswear Designers.
When Pierre Berge, former partner of Yves Saint Laurent and president of ANDAM, which annually bestows 160,000 euros to designers under 40 seeking to expand their businesses in France — most recently awarded were Giles Deacon for 2009 and Gareth Pugh for 2008 — was asked by Mademoiselle Agnes who the next big French talent is, he replied: "No one."
But perhaps best of all are the scenes with Anna Wintour, who is shown exiting the Rochas show flanked by two bodyguards, one who brusquely nudges a woman out of the way. Just after, as Anna descends a set of stairs, the other bodyguard turns a flashlight on her feet so she can walk without fear of tripping in her heels. Later, Agnes catches up with Anna before the Balmain show to ask her how important she thinks it is to support young designers. Notice the subtle dig at Carine Roitfeld in Anna's response:
"I think it's totally important for all of us in the American fashion industry to support the young designers, and I think that's why New York's become such a vibrant fashion center, because people go there not only to see the Donna Karans of the world but a whole new generation. I'm just so sorry that there isn't something like that in Paris that's similar. I think that they should look for the younger generation here [in Paris] as well. Not only New York but London really supports their young talent; Franca Sozzani at Italian Vogue supports the young Italian designers, and I think when France is so known for its fashion industry — for them not to be reaching out to help younger people today is really a shame. [Agnes: "And there's space in your pages for them."] There's space in everybody's pages.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Life Shattering Moment With A Hint Of Hope
Andrea: My personal life is falling apart.
Nigel: That's what happens when you start doing well at work. Let me know when your entire life goes up in smoke: then it's time for a promotion.
Problem is: both my personal and work life is falling apart. Does that mean I will find a $1million bill on the floor? Doubt it. It's all a connective thread. You're miserable at work, yo come home miserable. You don't feel like doing anything so you don't go out and socialize, so you eat. You eat and watch cheap novelas, you get fat. You get fat, you're out of the GAY SOCIAL LOOP! It's a trickle down effect. I'm afraid I'm a Chanel who evolved into a Bargain Bin Buyout!
I've heard it before: I'm non-confrontational and I run away from my problems. Not at all. The thing is, I don't feel the need to explain or use my energy on anger and frustrations. I would like to use that energy on something positive...like a dance floor. Or Sunday outdoor shopping!
One problem is that I always go back to bad addictions: food, bumming it, past relationships. And when those come back, I find my temporary happiness which fuels the bad part in my life. I have to say, in a whole, my personal life was a tragic roller coaster of events. Sadly, lot's of "shouldas". I mean, since I'm down and out right now, it can only get better right? I'm doing my best to patch it up: I got a new hair doo, I weeded out the "acquaintances" and kept my positive friends and friends who can make me laugh, and I started to eat less again! HURRAH! Okay about the weight, I understand...people say that I'm already skinny but today, a friend of mine put it in a way that I totally agree: "I know you're skinyn but I understand you need to be in a certain level of being skinny so I totally support you." It's true. I just need to tone up. NO MORE SUBWAY TUNA SUBS!
I suppose this venting is actually an affirmation that next year will be better.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 22, 2009
See more videos on modelinia.com
Thursday, November 19, 2009
RIP DAUL KIM. 1989-2009

I Pray To The Fashion Gods.
I believe heaven will be a place you want it to be. If that's the case, I will die in Dior Haute Couture (meaning I will have a long ass fashion life) and I will be welcomed into the gates, which will look like a VH1 Divas special. Riri, Gaga, Mimi and all the Divas will be there...yes including WhitWhit. And of course, Beyonce will sing Halo while she puts on my....you guessed it....halo. And Tyra comes out and puts my huge Victoria's Secret angel wings on and I strut my shit into the pearly gates, hanging out with Gianni, Yves, and Coco.
Anyways, a glimpse of a fashion angel can be seen in the Alexander McQueen F/W '07 show. I guess that's how I want to float into the sky. P.S. McQueen will never fail to make me cry and appreciate fashion not as materialistic but wearable art and self-expression.
Alexander McQueen,
Tranny Fierceness
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Say No To The Multi-Tasking Model. Just Pose And Look Sexy.
My favorite segment of the show was Mike Campbell (a D&G favorite around the '96-'96 era) and his quirky interviews with male supermodels like Mark Van Der Loo, Alex Lundqvist, Gelati, and Jason Lewis (you may know him as Smith Jerrod from "Sex & The City"). Remember fashion's peak?! STYLE! Oh, how I miss it...
P.S. Her sylist, (who is fashionably credible) Nicola Formichetti, is amazing.
1. ALEXANDER MCQUEEN DRESS AND HEELS, HAUS OF GAGA SUNGLASSES (look closely...they're razorblades!)
5. SHINJI KONISHI BAT HAIR HAT (comes in other animal shapes)
9. ALEXANDER MCQUEEN OUTFIT (from "Plato's Atlantis")
Alexander McQueen,
Lady Gaga,
Style File,
Tranny Fierceness
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I Need To Lay Off The Mimosas.
I'm not the wildest of sorts, but that's not to say I can't throw back a couple of wu wu's and a Jägerbomb every hour on the hour. I currently hold a job with reasonable hours and on average go out, let's say...four nights a week? Truth is, I'm bordering on what the kids might refer to as being "burnt out". I'm tired of running on low energy but don't really have the time for total relaxation and revitalization. I was wondering if you had any suggestions (i.e. diet or beverage changes, disco naps, etc.) about how to stay energized while at the same time seizing the night and all of her ambrosial offerings. --Frankly Fagged
Dear Frankly F'd
You're like the club whore equivalent of a working mother juggling responsibilities, and sometimes you just can't have it all. Yes, it's fun to run the streets and pull your dress up over your head in every dive bar in town, but there's only so much of that a girl can take and still show up fresh-faced at her desk at 9 a.m. It's important that you do a good job and make you boss love you, regardless of how often you go out, because if you get shit-canned who's going to pay for your drinks and recreational pharmaceuticals? The best plan is a preventative attack. Pick and choose the parties you go to. Don't be the girl who'll go to any party or any dumpy dive and stay till closing time. Pop out for one little drink but save the big blowouts for the fabulous parties. Or pop out for a soda pop, because if you don't guzzle booze, you'll feel better in the morning. MM isn't saying you should drink Ovaltine while you're partying backstage with the Stones, but if you're just hanging around your local bar with your friends, there's no need to get blitzed. That way you'll be fresh and rested when the real wild nights happen. Although from the sounds of your question, you're a serious alcoholic and you might want to check yourself into rehab immediately.
Holy shit. I think I wrote that question when I was drunk because that sounded like me! Oh sad. And I'm writing this after coming home from an afternoon mimosa session with a good friend. That did put some perspective in my life. I really do need to choose my battles. Lay off the hard liquor for the good events. Sadly, there's a real good event tonight. Oh well....
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Yummy Yummy Screw: Joseph Altuzarra Edition
Monday, November 9, 2009
Living The Life One Shoulder Pad At A Time.
But alas, I picked it up last Friday and this bitch couldn't be any happier. It's sad that I have been wearing the jacket for the past 4 or 5 days but if you bought an item that costed you an arm and a leg, you'd want MILK it too. This is the first time I wore the jacket. I went out to brunch with one of my best girlfriends, chatting it up....eating chocolate souflee, drinking copious amounts of mimosas and wine. Class at its finest.
I know. I look like a total L.A. wreck. Gross.
I have yet to mention that I went to the Sartorialist book signing about 3 weeks ago. I ended up being the first person to wait in line and it so happens that the Sartorialist himself, Scott Schuman was so enamoured with my hair calling it "reminicent to Grace Jones". LOL! Thanks Scott. Meeting one of my fashion heros was amazing. What's more amazing was walking past the 300+ people waiting in line while I strut my shit in last season's Balmain. Ok, I reall need to stop with this fashion house. I don't want to be labeled as someone who has the "Balmainia fever". Sadly, I kind of do. Next season, I'll change it up and maybe wear some cute Joseph Altuzarra....if only he made menswear. Who am I kidding?! I'll wear his clothes. Give it an androdgynous twist to it. It's how I do!
My godson is looking super cute everytime I see him! He is such a calm baby. Barely cries. TOO CUTE!
I am so lacking some footwear. Thankfully there is SOOO many great shoes right now. I am thinknig of either getting some Dior Homme hightops from this summer's collection. In black of course. Maybe some Comme Des Garcon biker boots. But the shoe that I am drooling over is actually a woman's shoe. No, no...they are not high heels...they're the "Frankie"'s and they would look AMAZING with my outfits for this season! NEED TO GET IT! I DIE!

I Love Me And You're Still Fat
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
YAY! I'm A Fairy Godmother!
Although my family is crazy and borderline psycho, we have gorgeous genes. LOL! I am very happy to announce that my beautiful cousin had her beautiful baby boy and the beautiful baby boy is going to have a beautiful godmother....which is ME! naturally. Can't wait to enlighten and nurture this child's mind, teaching him tolerance and what is appropriate to wear for each season. Don't worry, I will never put ruffles on my godson...let's leave the ruffles to me!
Speaking of ruffles, maybe it'll be cute if I wear my Viktor & Rolf ruffled tuxedo shirt to the Christening! LOL!
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Gay Physique: Every Hetro Envies Us.
Every hetrosexual person envies a gay man's body. We know that although personality is important in the world of dating, physicality is also.
The masculine side: There are two paths a gay man can go physically: ultra-masculine and ultra-feminine. David Beckham, Brad Pitt...these men are definitely influenced by gay culture. You can tell they take care of their bodies in the gym. And gay men built the gym. HAHA! Come on, because of gay men, the gym has been popularized since the 1970's. And if you see guys in straight clubs who sport Ed Hardy on their hard bodies acting machismo, they can definitely blend in at a gay club also. Ironic huh since these guys are usually the homophobes. I see straight gym bunnies looking like total gay guys with thier dye jobs and gem-studded shirts.
The femme side: Women love befriending the skinny gay. Because they envy their skinny bodies and wish they had the same slender silhouette. This is the path I can definitely relate. These gays are the type who follow the feminine trends and fashion. And yes, I have a big girl following. I collect "Alternative Lifestyle Companions" (better than saying fag hag) like Pokemon cards. I have different types and all are FIERCE!
Basically, the physical upkeep is important because gay people are vain and we always try to beat the next bitch next to us..all the time. It's always a competition out there. America's Next Top Model, American Gladiators...same GAY CONCEPT!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Mariel Haenn Is Someone I Inspire To Be...
Mariel Haenn, Rihanna’s amazing stylist, has been interviewed by My Fashion File. Obviously, she was asked about RiRi. And in case you haven’t realized, the beautiful Mariel was seen with Rihanna at Paris Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2010.
Which trends from the Spring/Summer 2010 catwalks are you getting excited about?
Some spring/summer trends that I’m excited about are bold bright colors and big accessories…lots of flowy silks, satins, and chiffons. I especially love that jumpsuits are going to be big for spring.
Who or what influences your creativity when styling your clients?
My clients influence me a lot, and many times they have a good idea of what type of look they want to achieve. Runway shows and Old iconic movies definitely give me inspiration. Grace Jones is one of the top influencers of my work.
If you could get your stylistic hands on any celebrity who would it be, and how would you style them?
Luckily I have the one celebrity I would love to work with (Rihanna) but if I had to choose some one it would be Lady Gaga. I love what she does for entertainment but I would love to bring her into a more everyday look of her creative expression.
Has the international recession affected the way you style your clients?
The recession hasn’t so much affected the way I style because I work with every price range of clothes but not necessarily all high end.
Which cities in the world are your favorite for seeking new inspiration?
My favorite cities are Japan, London, Paris, and New York.
Out of all the people and fashion shoots you have styled which has been your personal favorite look?
Wow! Personal favorite look might be Rihanna at 2008 AMA awards performance look (studded bustier and eye patch) or Ciara feat. Justin Timberlake “Love Sex Magic” video.
Rihanna’s style has evolved from Barbadian island girl to bonafide style icon, which you are partly responsible for. How did you decide on the drastic change?
Rihannas evolution was a natural progression that worked with the evolution of her music. When I first started working with her she was in her baggy jean phase and my goal was to make her a little more cutting edge and sexy and over time continued to push the envelope.
What fashion trend do you wish had been kept in the designers studio?
I wish that crocs never left the design lab! Although I’m all about comfort but we can do better that!
What fashion trend do you think will stand the test of time?
I think that the rocker chic look is going be around for awhile. A few other styles that I’m loving right now and will probably stand the test of time are from the Saks Fifth Avenue Fall 2009 Want It! campaign presented by MasterCard. Key pieces within that campaign include looks like: the strong shoulder, rocker boots, leggings, mixed metal necklaces, cozy knits, the neck loop, the forever bag, the vest, three-piece dressing for men and the lacquered lip. All items can be found at Saks Fifth Avenue or on Saks.com and you can use the “the little black card,” the Saks Fifth Avenue World Elite MasterCard for purchases in and out of Saks to earn rewards towards your next Saks purchase.
How would you describe your own personal style?
My personal style is street-chic, and I like to wear comfortable clothes with great shoes, bags and lots of jewelry.
What top tips do you have for our readers when it comes to developing a personal style?
When developing a personal style I suggest lots of research, magazine tear sheets and references that you like to get a good sense of what you’re looking to achieve. Start slow and don’t try to redo your whole closet at one time
Thank You RIhannaDaily for the picture.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Fall Is Finally Here And I'm Finally On The Twitter-verse.
Anyways, this season makes me feel more alive. I find more energy and romance in these times. The atmosphere of L.A. even feels more bearable. It's my rebirth. I was finally convinced to join Twitter. For the past year, people eg me to sign up for one because they would love to see me rant about my cynical, sarcastic, fabuleux, and over-the-top life. I was also informed that it can boost my blog's traffic. I really want to spread this blog. I know there's a lot of fashion blogs out there. And there's a lot of GAYSIANS who blog about fashion. But I think my point of view is better. I mean...come on....I'm way cuter.
Oh...SO FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER. i promise, I will make your day. Click on my cute photo!
Alexander McQueen,
Hot Mess,
Tranny Fierceness
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