Monday, October 19, 2009

The Gay Physique: Every Hetro Envies Us.

Every hetrosexual person envies a gay man's body. We know that although personality is important in the world of dating, physicality is also.

The masculine side: There are two paths a gay man can go physically: ultra-masculine and ultra-feminine. David Beckham, Brad Pitt...these men are definitely influenced by gay culture. You can tell they take care of their bodies in the gym. And gay men built the gym. HAHA! Come on, because of gay men, the gym has been popularized since the 1970's. And if you see guys in straight clubs who sport Ed Hardy on their hard bodies acting machismo, they can definitely blend in at a gay club also. Ironic huh since these guys are usually the homophobes. I see straight gym bunnies looking like total gay guys with thier dye jobs and gem-studded shirts.

The femme side: Women love befriending the skinny gay. Because they envy their skinny bodies and wish they had the same slender silhouette. This is the path I can definitely relate. These gays are the type who follow the feminine trends and fashion. And yes, I have a big girl following. I collect "Alternative Lifestyle Companions" (better than saying fag hag) like Pokemon cards. I have different types and all are FIERCE!

Basically, the physical upkeep is important because gay people are vain and we always try to beat the next bitch next to us..all the time. It's always a competition out there. America's Next Top Model, American Gladiators...same GAY CONCEPT!

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