Friday, January 23, 2009

Yummy Yummy Screw: Real World Edition

I've always had this fascination with straight guys potentially being a homo. But then again, every gay guy has that fascination. But when you're on TV (Reality TV at that!), the cute straight guy always has a "straight potentially gay" vibe to him. I'm sure the casting directors are

What I'm trying to say is, why am I not on the Real World? They have never had a "Gay Asian Alcoholic Bitch Semi-Retired Slut Who Acts Like A Sassy Black Woman" on the show! I am like, SEVEN Real World Stereotypes in ONE! I have auditioned for the upcoming season and hopefully, they pick me. They need to! Call Me Back!

Anyways, this season has nutty nutjobs. And I feel like they should kick out the Tranny and replace me instead. So I can totally get up on this...

Oh yeah...

Ryan is a "ProbsGay" (Probably Gay, for you heteros out there). Why do I think he's a ProbsGay? Let's take a looky loo:

1. Didn't you see that .gif of him on the stripper pole?

2. Look at his Gay Face. He needs to overcome that. Or not.

3. He kissed a Tranny.

4. Double Whammy!: He was in the military.

5. He totally watched "Top Model" in Iraq. I mean, look at his ferosh pose.

6. He likes to sing to anyone who will hear him out. He did have that homosexual serenade with Chet on that washed up outdoor boat on the first episode.

7. He totally shows his feelings on the downlow. Using his military skills, eh? Don't Ask. Don't Tell. Well...kinda.

Anyways, all the men on the show are gay.

Post-Op Duh.

Double Duh. I totally had that Reality TV crush on him until...

Yeah...Umm..."Two bottoms don't make a top, honey."

DE-NIAL! Nice Body but, HELL TO THE NO!



He swears he's straight. That's utter bull. One minute, you're wearing eyeliner. And next minute, you're probably gonna make yourself a ReReHat.

So please Real World, pick me to be on Season 22. I need to live my lifelong dream to be the Reality TV Bitch who gets wasted and sits on a face like this...

1 comment:

Kacey D said...

get it. you did your research love :)